Are All on 4 Comfortable?

Dental implants today are very long-lasting. They can actually bear more weight than natural teeth. At All-on-4 Dental Implants in Perth, we will accept a full-arch prosthesis that looks like an expanded dental bridge with as little as four implants.

All on 4 dental implants perth

What do you expect after an All-on-four procedure?

Patients can now recover like-natural functionality and physical appearance of their jaw and teeth thanks to recent advances in dental implant technology. Leading dental professionals go to great lengths to insure that patients are as comfortable as possible before and after the procedure:

There are a variety of anaesthesia options available to help patients feel less uncomfortable during the operation.

Measures to reduce the risk of bleeding, infection, irritation, and discomfort after surgery

During daily follow-up visits, the healing process is monitored.

When you have All-on-4 implants, how long does it take for your gums to heal?

Unlike conventional dentures, which can take up to 8 months to heal and a year to adapt to, All-on-4 dental implants heal in a fraction of the time. For one thing, you gain immediate stabilisation, and the healing process starts as soon as the operation is completed. After the implants are installed, most patients will return to their daily routine in as little as a few days.

When you get home after the treatment, though, you’ll need to take some care to avoid irritating the healing spot. Since your mouth will still be tender, take care not to irritate the surgical sites:

  • On the first day, don’t rinse with water; instead, use the medicated rinse your doctor prescribed to rinse the sore areas; if you have some bleeding the next day, even if it’s minor, rinse your mouth with a DIY salt water solution up to three times a day.
  • Avoid touching the sensitive areas to avoid discomfort.
  • Brushing is advised, but only if done gently and patiently with a gentle toothbrush.
  • Avoid smoking because it can only slow down and prolong the healing process.

Is it comfortable to wear All-on-4?

If you previously wore dentures, you can quickly realise that All-on-4 dental implants are a significant change in more ways than one. They are stable and safe, for starters. For another, you will be able to act normally again in a short period of time after the operation. Even at this early stage in the process, most patients are able to work normally with a few adjustments to their daily routine. Last but not least, All-on-4 dental implants do not necessitate complicated treatment and maintenance; routine dental hygiene is all that is needed.

All-on-4 dental implants are built to be more convenient than conventional dentures because they do not rub against your gums. You’ll soon be able to bite with greater intensity and enjoy hot or cold foods with all of their flavours once more.